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Rhema Healthcare - Participant Evaluation Form

Thank you for trusting Rhema Healthcare with your training needs.

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1. Please Select (one) of the below Unit Course Name:
3. Please Select Educators Name from the list Below:
4. Please select from the below the method of delivery for your training session:

5. For each statement below: please select one rating that best describes your answers - Please read each statement carefully.

The trainer provided adequate support to assist me during the course.
Objectives were clearly stated at the beginning of the course
The Training was presented in an interesting way that keep me engaged
The Training activities in the course were sufficiently challenging for me (If applicable)
The training helped me develop the skills and knowledge I need
The trainer(s) had a good knowledge of the subject being taught
The trainer was approachable to ask questions
I feel I will be able to use what I learned in the course on the job and in every day life
Learning materials were easy to understand
The assessment processes and requirements were clearly explained (If applicable)
The assessments were fair and covered what had been taught in class (If applicable)
The training environment and facilities were suitable

8. Thinking in general about the course you have completed at Rhema Healthcare, how would you rate your training experience overall

Training overall experience